The Future Concept
of Open Sweden

What does a better way to social security look like for a country whose reputation for being on top is crumbling.. Well, we know how to Co-Op to change that.

The future solution combines blockchain tech, relation and document ai, deep understanding for the endlessly unique situations we experience through life and a relentless will to make better through collaboration between Sweden’s many authorities. We went from speculations to create a conceptual prototype to learn from and a year’s worth of work to make a public version live.

Benefit Analysis found that such a solution (only for Labor immigration) creates an estimated societal benefit of SEK 13 billion per year. The reason why the benefit is estimated to be so great is that it facilitates the recruitment of specialist competence in areas where we have a shortage in Sweden. The benefit has also been calculated on making it easier for relatives to establish themselves in Sweden.

The rest is… To Be Designed.

Granted residence permits jan–apr 2023

During the same period 2022; 102 436 people was granted permission. So imagine ~60% of all the rest of the applications are incorrect and have to be remade. Extensive research done of applicants in crisis, moving back or because of a job; Was almost the same at the core of information needed. Nearly half of all applications to the Tax Office alone was incorrectly filled out based on misunderstanding. Not always due to the applicant but the system behind. We had to change that system.

There was and still is clearly things to do and actions to take. We started by making the future vision of the one place for all agencies to talk to people. One place for my life in Sweden. One voice, one tech stack where UI and UX-patterns are coherent throughout and the agencies can speak when in due time.

We had to rethink, remake and start all over again in a prototype driven way. We worked very hard to not make the big of a change noticeable. Starting small and harmless. Starting with the bulk of people applying for work permits, and working together with the Employment Agency, Migration Agency, Tax Office, the Swedish Social Insurance Agency led by eSam programme and itch agency.

Data from Swedish Migration Office and SCB, plus the pre-studies made.

Even though our future concept covers a completely new way to interact with all of the Swedish authorities through one single point of contact, we had to begin with a scope that was right sized for timely delivery. We began in one of the most painful and vulnerable life events - the very beginning of citizenship.

When you are completely new to a country, you don’t know the language, you don’t know the system, the law, who you can trust or what you can expect. At the same time, the cost of making mistakes is high. Through paper prototypes, interviews and testing we began to uncover the keys to what a solution might look like for the individual.

We learned that we needed to guide people through the maze of authorities, forms and schedule of events on an individual basis. The “right path” is different for almost everyone and is constantly in change. Tight co-creation and regular workshops with participants from multiple authorities became key moments to decode the logic that needed to be put in place.

Our guide to starting a life in Sweden needed to provide answers for those who had just begun thinking about the idea of moving as well as providing day by day instructions for those who were right in the process, which could take weeks or months. User testing a live coded prototype with individuals who were currently in the process was critical to success.

“Bold ideas like this take on life of their own and this major shift towards a life-event centered system for being a part of Sweden is no different. Though what we launched was a tiny glimpse of the entire concept, it sparked the processes and begged the questions that will one day make it real. We’re in it for the long run. ”

TBD x TBD Foundation

This is what we did for the people of Sweden.

Concept Vision

Changing the way a country meets it’s people requires a lot of people steering the same, new, direction. The tangible speculated vision became real. What we painted for the future helped make a shared view for inspiration as well as decision making. Our new vision builds on creating one single entry point for all your meetings with Swedish authorities. Sounds simple, right?

Concept Identity

Our future idea of a single Swedish authority meeting point required an identity that can represent Sweden on the inside. In a single spot. Our concept identity is Official Swedish Services and it's designed to help you with anything that goes on in life. Words will matter, so Letters From Swedens font Mikro together with Sweden’s own Sweden Sans and Noto to cover the world were chosen with care.


Shifting from many systems and many voices meeting our people, to one, requires intense and painstaking collaboration and co-creation. We facilitated the sessions that allowed systems, guidance and voices to merge. 

Materials to change law

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.


Through several versions of prototyping, paper to code, we tested our vision and plans for execution along the way. Increasing level of complexity of our prototype allowed us to bring in legal, technical, user and creative perspectives early. 

Design System

One key factor to make change at scale is to have a solid but fully flexible joint design system cross all official services. We made the start together with the Swedish Migration Office and it’s still evolving in collaborative spirit between authorities.

Platforms and business cases for future initiatives.

With this platform we have worked with many more agencies and offices and advised on how to make better services for people.

Are you an agency working with a project like this and need to get your heads around how to prototype change at largest scale? Or maybe a government agency or other large organisation and would like a bit of help to bounce some starter ideas?

Our next case

The fluid, intelligent beauty of math turned into everyday services.